Health Blog
Cortisone vs. Physical Therapy for Shoulder Pain: A Deeper Dive

Physical therapy, a cornerstone in the healthcare market, is pivotal in managing many health conditions. One area where its impact is particularly felt is in the treatment of shoulder–related issues.
When it comes to serious shoulder pain, patients are often provided with a quick fix - a cortisone injection. The obvious question is, which treatment is best for shoulder pain?
A recent study offers a more in–depth exploration of its effectiveness in this regard.
About This Research Report
The research involved a meticulous review of 14 studies, with a mere three meeting the stringent inclusion criteria. Despite the limited number, these studies were of high methodological quality, scoring an average of 7.3/10 on the Physical Therapy Evidence Database (PEDro) scale. However, the overall evidence from the systematic review is graded as moderate in quality due to the indirectness of treatment or intervention. This highlights the need for more direct, comprehensive studies in the future.
Cortisone or Physical Therapy - The Key Findings
The findings are certainly worth noting. Both physical therapy and Corticosteroid Injections (CSI) showed improvement in pain, shoulder Range of Motion (ROM), and shoulder function in the short–term (1–3 months), medium–term (6 months), and long–term (12 months) in patients with primary symptoms of shoulderdisorders.
Interestingly, an improvement in shoulder function was found in favor of CSI at a 6– to 7–week follow–up. However, no evidence was found for the superiority of CSI compared to physical therapy for pain and ROM over 4–12 months. This suggests that while CSI might offer quicker results, physical therapy provides sustained benefits over a more extended period, making it a more effective long–term solution.
Physical Therapists Take the Time to See the “Entire Picture”
Physical therapist–directed care is more than just a treatment; it's a general approach to health. Physical therapists don't just focus on the area causing discomfort but look at your entire body and lifestyle. We work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that helps manage pain, improves function, and boosts your overall well–being. This could include exercises to strengthen your body, advice on diet and lifestyle changes, and techniques to manage stress and improve sleep.
What Did We Learn from This Research?
Despite the limited number of studies included, the research provides valuable insights into the role of physical therapy in managing shoulder–related conditions. It underscores the importance of physical therapy as a first–line treatment option, offering sustained benefits over time.
Contact Our Team Today for Help!
Your health is your most valuable asset. If you're dealing with shoulder pain or mobility issues, consider seeing a physical therapist first. We can provide you with a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to your needs, helping you regain function and live a pain–free life. Don't wait for the pain to escalate. Take the first step towards a healthier you today! Remember, the journey to recovery begins with a single step. That step could be as simple as scheduling an appointment with a physical therapist.
July 7, 2023
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